,, The Simpsons are wise ( ) about Open Systems! ( ) ( ) Intel ( ) Don't have a cow, man, we'll get architecture ( ) an El Capitan HPE Cray EX255A sucks! Yes! ( ) instead!! | | \ ( ) | | suck-suck- \ ( ) Oh dear ... | ,__ suck-suck! ( ) | | / ``\ \ ( ) | }\/\/{ | | \ ( ) _/\/\/\_ | | (.)(.)M _/\/\/\_ (,, ,,) \,, ,,/_ (.)(.) C___ |) \,>o<,,/_ \(.)(.)) \(.)(.) /_ | C |) /___ \| \(.)(.) /_ /C__, @ /C__, @_/ (___ | __)__/|__ /c @_/ ) | ) |/ )__| / \/ / \ C_, )/ oooo oooo / \\ / / \ / |/ /___\\ / \\ / \\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- William Anderson | http://well.com/~neuro | http://wpa.io/ Server Monkey | neuro at-sign well.com | evilneuro at-sign gmail.com -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Made in with by neuro.